Inch Loss Wrap

With this innovative clinically proven* treatment wrap, inches can vanish from the waistline, hips and upper arms in just one treatment. With no scary tools or sharp needles in sight, this non-evasive technique is the ultimate treatment for confidence boosting, inch loss, cellulite reduction and skin firming and toning.

Some women have even dropped a whole dress size** after the first one-hour treatment, so this is also perfect to offer as part of a bridal party package.

*As proven by Tibby Olivier’s independent clinical user trials. **Up to 2.5% fat loss

Please book in for Inch Loss Consultation and Patch Test at least 3 days before treatments

NOT SUITABLE FOR: People with: Diabetes, Soya allergies or whilst still breastfeeding.

Appointment time : 1 Hour 30 minutes including, before & after measurements, lymphatic body brushing and wrap.